
Change excel row to column
Change excel row to column

pasted data, which is referred to as transposed data.

  • Click on Alt + E + S, paste special dialog box popup window appears, in that select or click on the box of Transpose option, it will result or convert column data to rows data in excel.ĭata that is copied is called source data, and when this source data is copied to other ranges, i.e.
  • change excel row to column

    Select the cell where you need to copy this data set, i.e.Apart from the above procedure, you can also use a shortcut key to convert columns to rows in excel.On selecting the transpose option, your dataset gets copied in that cell range starting from cell G10 to M112.

    change excel row to column

    Transpose (As mentioned in the below screenshot) You must then select the 4 th option, i.e. When you enable right-click on the mouse, the paste option appears.Select the cell where you want to paste this data set, i.e.Copy the selected cells by pressing Ctrl + C.all the cells with the dataset in a spreadsheet. Here we need to convert its orientation from columns to rows with the help of a paste special option in excel. The below-mentioned Pharma sales table contains the medicine product code in column C (C10 to C16), quantity sold in column D (D10 to D16) & total sales value in column E (E10 to E16). You can download this Convert Columns to Rows Excel Template here – Convert Columns to Rows Excel Template Example #1 TEXT and String Functions in Excel (26+).Lookup and Reference Functions in Excel (36+).Excel Conditional Formatting Based on Another Cell Value.SUMPRODUCT Function with Multiple Criteria.Compare Two Columns in Excel for Matches.

    Change excel row to column